www.infonia.com > About Us > Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

I. Basic Provisions

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) govern the relationship between Contractor and Customer in the production and maintenance of websites and related services.

The Customer, by placing an order or by signing a contract or any subsequent maintenace agreements ("The Contract") confirms that is familiar with these Terms and Conditions and agree with their wording.

The Customer is sufficiently informed about these Terms and Conditions before placing the order and has an opportunity to read them on the Contractor's web site.


Infonia, spol s r o, ID: 471 23 150, located at Prague 8, The Truhlářce 4, 180 00, kept in the Commercial Register by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file number: 12 746, represented by Mr. Jan Machacek, Managing Director. (hereinafter "The Contractor" or "Infonia")


It is an idividual, or a legal person who orders the work and services for purposes other than trading works and services purchased.

Customer at the opening of trade relations the Contractor passes a contact data necessary for a smooth execution of orders - contracts with any other data necessary for the successful fulfillment of the Contract (order) and such other information they want to have listed on their web presentation, shopping and tax documents.

II. Safety and Protection of information

The Contractor declares that all personal information are confidential, will be used only for the execution of the contract with The Client and not otherwise disclosed to any third party, etc., except in situations related to distribution and payment system on the subject of the order (the name and address delivery).


Personal data provided to the Client by the Contractor are to meet the order or a contract are collected, processed and stored in accordance with the applicable laws of the Czech Republic, in particular with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. On the Protection of Personal Data, as amended.

The Client gives The Contractor a consent with the collection and processing of personal data for purposes of satisfying the subject concluded contract or purchase order, and until a written statement disagreeing with the treatment.


The Customer has the right to access its personal data and the right to correct them, including other legal rights to such data.

III. Opening Hours

Branch at: Vinohradská 91, Prague 2, Postcode: 120 00
Business hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 - 18:00

IV. Provisions on prices and VAT

Any price agreement between The Contractor and the Client is based on a mutually agreed contract prices.

Unless otherwise noted, all prices written, discussed or otherwise mentioned exclude VAT.

The Contractor is subject to VAT.

Invoices without VAT specification can only be issued if the customer is a person outside the EU or if it applies the relevant EU directive on VAT.

V. The establishment and conduct of business and legal relationship, ordering and receipt of work

The legal relationship between The Contractorand The Client not specified in these Terms shall be governed exclusively by laws of the Czech Republic, namely the relevant provisions of the Act. č. 40/1964 No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code and Law No. 513/1992 Coll. both in the Commercial Code, as amended.

Business and legal relationship between The Client and The Contractor can be made in following ways:

  • via the order form on The Contractor's website
  • By an e-mail to info@infonia.com.
  • By personal conduct at The Contractor's premises
  • By fax
  • By other pre-agreed ways

If the total contract price (including service work ordered by the work involved - the management and maintenance work) exceeds the amount of 100 000 CZK, there will be a contract drafted between The Client and Company Ltd. Infonia  (for work and contract management of Internet presentation), which are clearly covered by the mutual relations, including rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties according to the nature and type of legal relations.

Infonia recommends that The Client, places an order through electronic order form, or in a written form (by e-mail, fax) including the following:

  • name, surname and residence or business name and address of The Customer
  • Registration number and VAT number, if registered for VAT
  • Exact specification of the required work, with a possible reference to the earlier offer, made by The Contractor to The Client.
  • Signature of person authorized to order services.
  • Any other information that The Customer deems important.

V případě potvrzení řádně vyhotovené objednávky nebo podepsaní Smlouvy o dílo – výstavbě webové prezentace oběma smluvními stranami a řádně vyhotoveného Předávacího protokolu je Objednatel je povinen řádně provedené dílo, které splňuje veškeré parametry uvedené v zadání v dohodnutém termínu převzít a uhradit řádně a včas dohodnutou cenu za provedené dílo. V případě, že Objednatel si takto zhotovené dílo v daném dohodnutém termínu nepřevezme, ocitá se dnem, kdy si předmětné dílo měl převzít v prodlení. In the case of a duly executed or signed orders for work - building a Web presentation by both parties and properly carried out by the Customer Transfer Protocol must properly completed work that meets all criteria specified in the assignment in the agreed time and take proper and timely pay the agreed price for work performed. If the customer makes the work so made in the agreed deadline does not assume, finds himself on the date the work in question should take the default.

Podpisem následné Smlouvy o správě a údržbě webové prezentace je Objednatel povinen úhrady příslušné ceny tak, jak bylo v příslušné Smlouvě dohodnuto. Subsequent signing of the management and maintenance of website the client is obliged to payment of a price as it was in the contract.

Obchodně-právní vztah mezi Objednatelem a Zhotovitelem lze ukončit pouze písemnou formou zaslanou na adresu Zhotovitele. Výpovědní lhůta činí tři (3) měsíce a počíná běžet prvním dnem po doručení výpovědi. Business and legal relationship between owner and contractor can be terminated only in writing, sent to the Contractor. The notice period is three (3) months and shall begin the first day after receipt of notice.

VI. Billing and Payments

Platba za technický provoz se uskutečňuje na základě vystavené faktury, na rok dopředu, pokud není v příslušné Smlouvě uvedeno jinak. Payment for the technical operation is carried out on the basis of invoices, for the year ahead, unless the Contract otherwise indicated.

Smluvní pokuta za prodlení Faktury je zasílána v elektronické podobě a činí 0,1% z fakturované částky za každý den prodlení. The contractual penalty for late payment invoices are sent in electronic form and is 0.1% of the invoiced amount for each day of delay.

V případě vystavení papírové faktury a jejího zaslání prostřednictvím České pošty je účtován poplatek dle aktuálního ceníku České pošty. In the event of exposure to paper invoices and sending it through the Czech Post is charged according to current rates of the Czech Post.

Pokud nedojde k prodlení úhrady vystavené faktury ani po dvou výzvách a 3 měsíce po splatnosti, vyhrazuje si Zhotovitel právo vypnout či pozastavit všechny služby a za jejich opětovné zprovoznění účtovat penále do výše 5000 Kč. If there is a late payment of invoices issued after two calls and three months past due, Contractor reserves the right to turn off or suspend all services and their re-launch charge a penalty of up to CZK 5,000.

VII. Technical provisions

Domény - Pokud není uvedeno jinak, nejsou poplatky za domény předmětem nabídky, a tudíž nejsou zahrnuty v ceně výroby, ani v ceně Technického provozu.

Domains - Unless otherwise stated, are not subject to fees for domain offers, and therefore not included in the cost of production, or technical operation in the price.

Plnění obsahem - Pokud není uvedeno výslovně jinak, plnění webových stránek obsahem není předmětem nabídky a nebude tedy zahrnuto v ceně výroby webové prezentace ani v ceně technického provozu.

Implementation of the content - unless expressly stated otherwise, the performance of web site content is not subject to supply and therefore not included in the price of manufacturing website or included in the technical operation.


Obrázky a nákup licencí za grafiku - Nejsou předmětem nabídky, Infonia bude o jejich cenách informovat. Společnost Infonia není povinna prověřovat Objednatelem dodanou grafiku.

Images and purchase licenses for the graphics - are not subject to tender their Infonia will check prices. Infonia Company is not required to verify the Client supplied graphics.  

VIII. Liability for damages

Společnost Infonia nenese žádnou odpovědnost za škody způsobené dodaným obsahem pro výstavbu internetové prezentace. Infonia The company assumes no liability for damages caused by the construction of the delivered content for web presentation.

Společnost Infonia si vyhrazuje právo odmítnout objednávku na výstavbu internetové prezentace, pokud její obsah je v rozporu s právním řádem ČR a to konkrétně: Infonia Company reserves the right to refuse an order to build web sites, if its content is contrary to the laws of the Republic, and specifically:

  • Propaguje-li a podněcuje-li rasovou, etnickou, náboženskou a sociální nesnášenlivost, xenofobii It promotes and encourages If a racial, ethnic, religious and social intolerance, xenophobia
  • Obsahuje-li v jakékoliv formě dětskou pornografii If there are any form of child pornography
  • Nabádá-li k porušování zákonů Encourages a violation of the laws

VIII. Warranty and Claims

Záruka na služby se řídí platnými zákony. Warranty service is governed by applicable laws. Standardní záruční doba je 24 měsíců, záruka se vztahuje na všechny vady zabraňující nebo omezující možnost řádného používání služby. The standard warranty period is 24 months warranty covers all defects preventing or limiting the possibility of using the proper service.

IX.Final Provisions

Tyto Všeobecné obchodní podmínky jsou platné od 1. května 2010 a ruší veškerá předchozí ustanovení a zvyklosti. These Terms and Conditions are effective from May 1, 2010 and cancel all previous provisions and practices.  Společnost Infonia si vyhrazuje právo změnit tyto Všeobecné obchodní podmínky bez předchozího upozornění. Infonia Company reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

Za společnost Infonia sro schválil Jan Macháček, Jednatel společnosti. The company agreed Infonia Ltd. Jan Machacek, Managing Director. Vypracováno v souladu s občanským zák. Prepared in accordance with Civil Code. č. 40/1964 Sb. § 619-627 a zák. No. 40/1964 Coll. § 619-627, and Act. č. 634/1992, oba ve znění pozdějších změn a doplňků a dalších právních předpisů. No. 634/1992, both as amended, and amendments and other legislation.

Tyto obchodní podmínky platí od 1. These terms and conditions apply from 1 5. 5th 2010 2010


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